Healthy Grains Puppy Dog Food

Healthy Grains Puppy Dog Food
Healthy Grains Puppy Dog Food
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Our ACANA® food for dogs is always thoughtfully crafted recipes from start to finish. That’s why our ACANA Healthy Grains Puppy Recipe is specially crafted to support growing puppies with fresh or raw free-run poultry, cage-free eggs and herring. It’s also balanced with healthy grains in the form of oats, sorghum and millet. These grains are high in fiber and gluten-free, offering added nutrition that helps support a healthy digestive environment. Our Healthy Grains Puppy Recipe also includes essential vitamins and minerals that nurture your puppy’s development.

Our premium ingredients come from a curated group of farmers, ranchers and fishers we’ve known and trusted for decades, and we approach every batch with an unsurpassed commitment to safety and quality in our award-winning Alberta kitchen. The result is a protein-rich, nutritious, and delicious dog food to help them live a full, happy life.

    Ingredients: Fresh chicken meat (17%), dehydrated chicken meat (16%), oat groats, whole sorghum, whole millet, chicken fat (7%), whole oats, fresh eggs (6%), fresh chicken giblets (heart, liver) (6%), dehydrated turkey meat (5%), dehydrated herring (5%), raw whole herring (4%), ground miscanthus grass, pollock oil (2%), chicken cartilage (1%), raw turkey meat (0.5%), raw turkey liver (0.5%), salt, dried kelp, fresh whole pumpkin, fresh whole butternut squash, fresh apples, fresh carrots, fresh pears, fresh zucchini, fresh beet greens, fresh kale, fresh spinach, fresh turnip greens, freeze-dried chicken and turkey liver, fresh whole cranberries, fresh whole blueberries, fresh whole saskatoon berries, chicory root, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, milk thistle, rosehips, turmeric root

    Guaranteed Analysis:

    • Crude protein35%
    • Fat content17%
    • Crude ash7%
    • Crude fibre6%
    • Moisture12%
    • Calcium1.3%
    • Phosphorus1%
    • Omega-6 fatty acids*2%
    • Omega-3 fatty acids*2%
    • DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)0.9%
    • EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)0.7%


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